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Beacon churchesWelcome to our website. It contains a wide range of information about our churches and activities, including Weekly Notices, information on upcoming Services and Events, Videos of Services, The Beacon magazine and a host of other topics.  Have a look through the menu!

On this page are some current highlights:

The Beacon Magazine

‘The Beacon’ Magazine – publication paused: For many years we have published the Beacon Magazine which has been valued by locals and those further afield alike.  After many years at the helm, the editor of the Beacon Michael Price has stepped down from this role.  We look forward to finding a suitable date where we can gather together with Michael and thank him for his long service (alongside the expertise and assistance of Charles Quartley) in which the Beacon Magazine has gone from strength to strength. Do keep an eye on our weekly emails and notice sheet for when this gathering will happen and come and celebrate. Without an editor we will not be in a position to continue to publish the Beacon and so for the time being at least we will pause its publication. 

For the most recent issue of The Beacon magazine, click on the image:

Current Weekly Notices

Notice Sheet_ Sunday_ 15th September 2024 to 28th September 2024

Notice Sheet_ Sunday_ 1st September 2024 to 14th September 2024

Notice Sheet_ Sunday_ 18th August 2024 to 31st August 2024

Notice Sheet_ Sunday_ 4th August 2024 to 17th August 2024

Notice Sheet_ Sunday_ 21st July 2024 to 3rd August 2024

Notice Sheet_ Sunday_ 7th July 2024 to 20th July 2024

Please see notice sheet tab at the top of the page for earlier/archived notice sheets or click here:

Weekly Reflections

Printed copies of the reflections are available in our churches each week for you to take a copy home with you.

240915 Reflection by Steve Sheldon – Sunday 15th September 2024

240908 Reflection by Rev’d Anne Burden – Sunday 8th September 2024

240901 Reflection by Hillarie Griggs – Sunday 1st September 2024

240825 Reflection by Rev’d Tony Meek – Sunday 25th August 2024

240818 Reflection by Tessa Amies – Sunday 18th August 2024

240811 Letter from Rev’d Andrew Down – Sunday 11th August 2024

240804 Reflection by Sarah Nichols – Sunday 4th August 2024

Please see notice sheet tab at the top of the page for earlier/archived reflections or click here:

This Month’s List of Church Services and Events

To see the services and events planned for this month please click on this link:

Posters of Regular Weekly or Monthly Events 2023 in the Beacon Parishes Mission Community



Posters for some of the Special Services and Events taking place in 2023 in the Beacon Parishes Mission Community

Archive of posters of previous special events that took place in the Beacon Parishes Mission Community

To see posters of past events, click on this link:


Save the Date – Dates Ahead

To view events and dates planned please click on the link or image below:

240913 SAVE THE DATE – Dates Ahead

Monthly Regular Pattern of Services

To view our regular monthly pattern of regular services and regular events, please click on the link or image below: 

240913 Monthly General Pattern of Services and Events


Public Facebook pages  facebookimage

We now have Facebook pages for three of our parishes. These are open public pages and you do not need to have a Facebook account to view these.  Please have a look at them and recommend to your contacts:





Private Beacon Community Facebook page  facebookimage

For those with Facebook accounts, we also have the ‘Beacon Community Group’.  This was set up as a discussion forum to build on the greater Mission Community awareness.

The ‘Beacon Community Group’ group is Private, which means that only members can see, or write, posts on its page. Membership requests have to be approved by an administrator before you can read or post in the group. The group is ‘visible’ on Facebook, i.e. you can find it by searching for the name, but people won’t be able to go further than that without first being accepted as a member.


Catalogues of Kneelers

2022 Catalogue of Kneelers of St Andrew’s Church Ipplepen

2022 Catalogue of Kneelers in St John the Baptist Church Woodland


St. Andrew’s Youth Choir

Our youth choir’s original song ‘Rainbow of Hope’ was included on A Song for Us website. See link below.
They are alongside others around the country and the likes of songwriters such as Seth Lakeman who has written a song for Devon released today on the anniversary of the first lockdown.

‘Cultivate’ – A New Journal for the Diocese of Exeter

Cultivate’ – the new journal of life long learning produced by the diocese of Exeter.   The first issue can be downloaded below and includes articles about 

– St Benedict, 

– Care Home Ministry

– The spirituality of wild swimming 

– Techniques for prayer.



Churches open 

In addition to services, our church buildings are open daily for individual prayer and reflection. We provide a SPACE to come and SIMPLY BE when you need to.

St Peter & St Paul’s, Broadhempston           9am to 4pm    Daily

St Andrew’s, Ipplepen                                     9am to 5pm    Daily

St John the Baptist, Woodland                        9am to 5pm    Daily

St Mary the Virgin, Denbury                           10am to 5pm Daily


How to Grow?


Grow lay learning courses, from the Diocese of Exeter, are designed to equip God’s people in Devon to serve with joy. They are a series of tailored courses created by Lay Discipleship Project Manager, Jon Curtis, to help people develop in roles they already fulfil, for example leading worship, doing the finances, preaching, administration, pastoral care, children and youth work and more.
They are also a good way of exploring NEW roles. They will be taught online for the time being. Whatever stage you are at on your Christian journey, Grow aims to help you fulfil your God-given calling.
Have and look at the Grow video.
Course dates are:

Autumn 2020
• Pastoral Care (4 evenings online 15/10, 22/10, 5/11, 12/11)
• Leading Worship (5 evenings online 3/11, 10/11, 17/11, 1/12, 8/12) – requires FiCM or equivalent
• Small Group Leadership (2 evenings online 3/12, 10/12)
• Administration (2 evenings online 19/11, 26/11)

January – March 2021
• Children’s work
• Stewardship
• Preaching – requires FiCM or equivalent

April – July 2021
• Pioneering – requires FiCM or equivalent
• Youth work
• Evangelism and Mission – requires FiCM or equivalent

To find out more and sign-up go to: 


Screen Shot 2016-01-21 at 20.21.49

Update on Safeguarding Training during this time

Following consultation with the National Safeguarding Team (NST), we have been advised of the updated position on Safeguarding Training requirements in light of the current isolation and social distancing advice to tackle the Covid-19 virus. Read the guidance here.

The Beacon Parishes Safeguarding Policy can be found on the following link: Safeguarding Policy 2019

If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak to someone:

  • The Beacon Mission Community Safeguarding Representative for each parish is:
    • Ipplepen:   Sheila Sheldon – 01803 814227
    • Denbury: Tessa Amies – 01803 813993
    • Broadhempston: Paul Russell – 01803 762928
    • Woodland: David Wrayford – 01364 652323
  • Our Local Advocate for Children and Adults who may be at risk is Ann Holroyd. Contact number 01803 411373
  • The Diocesan Safeguarding Team’s contact details can be obtained on the following link –

If you are a young person and you feel unhappy about something happening to you, you can call Childline on 0800 11 11

Data Privacy Statement for the parishes of the Beacon Mission Community of Ipplepen with Torbryan, Denbury, Broadhempston and Woodland

This statement explains what information we hold about you, why we hold it and how we protect it for you.

Personal Data

Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data.

The Parochial Church Council of each parish is the data controller.  This means it decides how your personal data is processed and for what purposes.

The PCC of each parish complies with its obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data.


This is anything which is done to/with personal data, including storing it.

In addition to personal data processing we carry out our legal obligations to process Gift Aid and letting out the church hall for example.

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

To enable us to provide a voluntary service for the benefit of the public.

To fundraise and promote the interests of the church

To manage our employees and volunteers

To maintain our own accounts and records, including the processing of gift aid applications.

To maintain the electoral roll

To inform you of news, events, activities and services in the parish

To share your contact details with the Diocesan office so they can keep you informed about news in the Diocese and events, activities and services taking place in the diocese.

The information we hold about you

We may contact you by post, text or email if you have given permission.

Your personal information will be treated as strictly confidential. 

Your data will only be used for the purpose for which you agreed. 

Your personal data will not be disclosed to a third party without consent.

How long we keep your data

Personal data will be destroyed securely when the purpose for which it was acquired is no longer relevant.  Electoral roll information will be retained while it is still current; gift aid declarations and paperwork can be kept for up to 6 years; DBS details are now valid for three years, and parish registers of baptisms, marriages and funerals are stored securely permanently.

Your responsibilities and rights

Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR, you have the following rights with respect to your data.

We cannot use your personal data for a new purpose without explaining this new purpose to you before beginning the new process.

The right to request that the PCC corrects any personal date if it is found to be out of date or inaccurate.

The right to have your personal data erased where it is no longer needed.

The right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time.

The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office and in the first instance through the PCC.

Each parish will carry out an annual audit of its data and this statement will be reviewed at the last PCC meeting of each year. 

Comments are closed.
